Wax Melts New Cumberland
Wax Melts New Cumberland as well as Wax Melts Weirton as well as Wax Melts Steubenville as well as Wax Melts East Liverpool as well as Wax Melts West Virginia
Upland South Candles has a variety of different scents. Therefore our customers have a grand selection of soy as well as paraffin candles of their choosing. Instead of having to pick from only a few, Upland has the kind that you are really looking for. Wax Melts New Cumberland has some nice flavors. Such as bayberry and bergamot.
Bayberry comes from a very nice smelling big shrub. In other words a large bush. Bayberry is an round as well as very thick shrub. In addition, the leaves comes in many different colors. The fruit that comes from the bush is a waxy blue-gray. Therefore many people like to have it in there home in the winter months. However Wax Melts New Cumberland as well as Wax Melts Weirton have it year round. Customers can get that nice scent any time of the year.
Wax Melts Weirton
Wax Melts Weirton carries bergamot. It is a citrus fruit. In other words it has the characteristics of many other well known fruits. People believe that it is a mix between an orange as well as a lemon. Therefore it looks more like a lime when you see it. The scent is very light. Due to this it is more of a summer time smell. Getting it from Wax Melts New Cumberland as well as Wax Melts in Weirton is very easy.
Wax Melts East Liverpool
Wax Melts East Liverpool carries some nice smells as well. Two that are often found there are Cake Batter as well as Carribean Escape. Because of this they are also found in Wax Melts West Virginia. Cake Batter is a favorite among our customers regardless of the season. On the other hand Caribbean Escape is a little more of a summer time smell.
Cake Batter sounds exactly what you think it may sound like. Pieces of fine as well as thick cake batter scent, melted down to create a smell that is worthy of any kitchen. In the event that you are looking for an everyday gift for a loved one, you can never go wrong with Cake Batter from Wax Melts East Liverpool.
Wax Melts West Virginia
Wax Melts West Virginia is the home of so many of our scents. Such as Carribean Escape. It is a hard scent for people sometimes. With this in mind, our customers receive information about it. The scent gets it scent from Caribbean wallflowers. Therefore it gets a strong smell of the breeze that you would normally get in the islands. It is great for a calm summer day.
Two of our everyday scents are blueberry muffin and blackberry lemonade. Our team recommends these for a nice way to walk into the kitchen. Due to there popularity they are in many stores.
Blueberry muffin is available in all of our places, including Wax Melts West Virginia. This scent is perfect for any day. However it might be a cause for confusion due to its perfect scent of freshly baked muffins.
Blackberry Lemonade is also a staple in the home. With its combination of the scents of fresh squeezed lemonade as well as fresh blackberries, who could go wrong? Rather than find search for the can of scented spray, use one of Upland’s candles.
Wax Melts Steubenville
Our Wax Melts Steubenville store is also home to a great deal of scents. Cashmere as well as Cinnamon Apple Berry are two scents that Wax Melts Steubenville carries. Both of these scents, together with a few others, make up of scents of fall. No one is ever not ready for a nice smell of fall scented candle. Cashmere is a staple for anyone’s living room. Because of this Upland makes each candle smell like a brand new sweater.
Speaking of sweater weather, our Cinnamon Apple Berry scent might a great fit for your home. Together with the fresh scent of apples as well as sweet berries, its a best seller. Don’t forget each coated fruit has the sweet aroma of cinnamon. Instead of going anywhere else, come to Wax Melts Steubenville and you will get the best candles around. Each candle created is specific to any customer. In the event that you are looking for something to scent up your home, look now further than Upland South. Our scents are one of a kind every time they are in a customer’s hand. Come pick out one today!